We used to lose a lot of customers that left requests for test drives. Specialists processed them manually, resulting in a 24-72 hour lag from dealerships receiving this information. We decided to automate request processing, specifically data verification and connecting customers with dealers, which resulted in improved quality control. Six months passed and we were able to single out several advantages: The dealer doesn’t lose time calling customers that left wrong phone numbers or changed their minds; all call information is imported into our CRM system; we can control the dealer’s work and access the customer history for each request; and most importantly, the increase in communication efficiency between customers and dealerships resulted in a twofold increase in test drive conversion.
Svyatoslav Ryazhskiy
Team Leader for CRM and Internet Projects, Hyundai Motor CIS
Step 1: Request verification. Hyundai’s CRM via HTTP API provides the customer’s phone number to Voximplant cloud, after which the cloud automatically tries to call the customer during business hours. When the customer is reached, a JavaScript is activated which communicates with the customer through voice synthesis and voice menu.
Step 2: Automatic connection. If the customer confirms their desire to use the company’s services, Voximplant automatically calls the appropriate dealer according to their work schedule and time zone. After receiving confirmation from the dealer to accept the call, the customer is reached for the second time. All calls are recorded and can be accessed from the CRM.
Step 3: Quality control. Voximplant cloud stores information about the contacted customers and later calls them, receives feedback on the quality of service received, and automatically provides this information to Hyundai.

Script integration with any application 
Voicemail Detection
Detection of voice mail with 97,5% accuracy 
Voice Recording
Call recording for quality assurance
Synthesis of a unique voice for speaking to customers
Interactive Voice Response
Cloud storage and programming interface